
4060½/415 - 8 oz. Tumbler, Plain Buttons Also 4060/415 - 8 oz. Tumbler, Plain Buttons
Available snap or cut bottom

4060½/415 - ½ Gallon Jug, 1-handle, Plain Buttons

4060/215 - ½ Gallon Jug, 1-handle, Cut Buttons and Cut 4054

4060/215 - ½ Gallon Jug, 1-handle, Cut Buttons and Cut 4097

4060/215 - ½ Gallon Jug, 1-handle, Cut Buttons and Cut similar to cut 4054 (Crystal)

4060/415 - 8 oz. Tumbler, Cut Buttons and Cut 4054

4060/415 - 8 oz. Tumbler, Cut Buttons and Cut 4097

4060/415 - 8 oz. Tumbler, Cut Buttons and Cut similar to Cut 4054 (Crystal)

4060/415 - 8 oz. Tumbler, Cut Buttons and Cut 4054

4060 - Cream, 1-handle, Cut Buttons and Cut 4054

4060 - Cream, 1-handle, Cut Buttons and Cut 4097

4060 - 5 oz. Footed Sherbet, Cut Buttons and Cut 4054

4060 - 5 oz. Footed Sherbet, Cut Buttons and Cut 4097

4060 - Sugar, 2-handle, Cut Buttons and Cut 4054

4060 - Sugar, 2-handle, Cut Buttons and Cut 4097