
3900/19 Corinth - 2-piece Mayonnaise Set Samples sent to salesmen with D/460 Wedding Band on Crystal in 1950
Available E Daffodil, E Roselyn

3900/40 Corinth - Individual Cream, 1-handle (Version 1) Samples sent to salesmen with D/460 Wedding Band on Crystal in 1950
Available: E Roselyn

3900/40 Corinth - Individual Sugar, 2-handle (Version 1) Samples sent to salesmen with D/460 Wedding Band on Crystal in 1950
Available: E Roselyn

3900/123 Corinth - 7" Relish or Pickle, 2-handle Samples sent to salesmen with D/460 Wedding Band on Crystal in 1950

3900/124 Corinth - 7" 2-compartment Relish, 2-handle Samples sent to salesmen with D/460 Wedding Band on Crystal in 1950

3900/130 Corinth - 7" Footed Bonbon, 2-handle Available R. C. Eng. 1029 Tempo, 1030 Roxbury
Samples sent to salesmen with D/460 Wedding Band on Crystal in 1950

3900/131 Corinth - 8" Footed Bonbon Plate, 2-handle Available R. C. Eng. 1029 Tempo, 1030 Roxbury
Samples sent to salesmen with D/460 Wedding Band on Crystal in 1950

3900/153 Corinth - 7ΒΌ" Shallow Cupped Bonbon Samples sent to salesmen with D/460 Wedding Band on Crystal in 1950

Beverage Set 17 - 524 1 oz. Tumblers, D/460 Wedding Band on 820 Tray, Center Handle (Peach-blo)